She Gave at the Deli

On Tuesdays, Thursday, and Saturdays, Dan Heins had a routine: kidney dialysis from 6 to 10 am; breakfast at the Main Street Deli in Anoka, Minenesota; working at his insurance office down the block.

The owner of the Deli, Nnacy Volk, knew that Heins's typq 1 diabetes was responsible for his kidney failure and the amputation of his leg. She wasn't rich, she had three daughters, worked two other jobs to keep the deli open and meet her house payments.

But she was an angel for Dan, she didn't hesitate and said to him: "I'll donate"; and Nancy had to spend weeks convincing him she was serious.

The results of the medical tests came in: She was a match. Four months later, Dan is off dialysis :)

It's a tru story, if you don't believe me, read "Reader's Digest", it's a really good magazine, that give us really interesting experiences, true experiences.

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